Invitation to the Conference on Dyadic Analysis and Related Fields with Applications

 Dear Professor ...,

on behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our pleasure to invite you to the
Conference on Dyadic Analysis
and Related Fields with Applications
The conference will take place on
September 14-15, 2011 (Wednesday-Thursday) at
College of Nyíregyháza (
Organizing Committee:
Gy. Gát (Chair, NYF), R. Toledo (NYF), T. Béres (NYF), Sz. Vattamány (NYF)
The conference is sponsored so the meal (including an evening meal and wine tasting at Tállya (Tokaj region)) will be covered by our sponsored budget. You have to pay only for the accommodation at campus student hostel in private room (Hotel Bessenyei ( The price about 4000HUF/15euro.
Please let us know whether you can accept this invitation and attend our conference and in that case please send an email with the following data: name, affiliation (university, address), in case you intend to give a talk; the planned duration of your talk(s), the title and the abstract of your talk.
Szabolcs Vattamány
College of Nyíregyháza
Nyíregyháza, July 15, 2011